- Status: statusopen
- Host Authority: authbdc
- Why Consult?:
A PSPO is a tool and power given to Bolsover District Council under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, and puts conditions in place to deal with persistent and unreasonable conduct by individuals or groups in a public place which is causing harassment, alarm and distress or having a detrimental effect on the local community. This will be enforced by Council officers, Police Officers and PCSO’s.
Further information about the PSPO, please visit the Council's webpage detailed below.
Please click the survey link below in order to leave your feedback.
- Audience: All
- Categories: Other
- Start Date: 2025-01-29
- End Date: 2025-02-28
- Department: Anti-Social Behaviour Team
- Email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Survey Links:
- Link Text: Survey, Link URL: https://online1.snapsurveys.com/wwvt77
Bolsover District Council is looking to implement a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for both the Bolsover and Hillstown areas following an increase in Anti-Social and nuisance behaviour.
Following a review of the consultation feedback received in September 2024, we have made some changes to the proposed Order and we are now reconsulting all community representatives and interested parties. We welcome any comments or feedback from those living in the district.
Why we are Consulting
A PSPO is a tool and power given to Bolsover District Council under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, and puts conditions in place to deal with persistent and unreasonable conduct by individuals or groups in a public place which is causing harassment, alarm and distress or having a detrimental effect on the local community. This will be enforced by Council officers, Police Officers and PCSO’s.
Further information about the PSPO, please visit the Council's webpage detailed below.
Please click the survey link below in order to leave your feedback.