- Status: statusclosed
- Host Authority: authned
- Why Consult?:
The Council must legally undertake a review of its Policy every five years and has prepared a draft for consultation.
- Audience: All
- Categories: Other
- Start Date: 2024-02-26
- End Date: 2024-04-07
- Contact Name: Charmaine Terry/Lindsey Delamore
- Department: Licensing Department
- Email:
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North East Derbyshire District Council would like your views on its draft Licensing Act 2003 Policy (Statement of Licensing Principles).The Policy relates to the licensing of premises and individuals who are directly involved with licensable activities, namely the sale of alcohol, late night refreshment and regulated entertainment. In particular, the Policy is intended to guide decision makers, applicants, objectors, and others regarding the decision-making process.
The Policy outlines how the Council will consider and determine applications under the Licensing Act 2003. It also states how the Council will work to promote the four licensing objectives, which are:
- The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
- The Prevention of Public Nuisance
- The Protection of Children from Harm
- Public Safety
The draft Policy, together with a table of the proposed amendments can be found below. A copy of our current Policy can be found on our website.If you would like to make any comments regarding the draft Policy, please email
You can also send your comments by post to Licensing Consultation, North East Derbyshire District Council, District Council Offices, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, S42 6NG. Please use the reference NEDDC Licensing Act 2003 Consultation in the subject of any correspondence.
Why we are Consulting
The Council must legally undertake a review of its Policy every five years and has prepared a draft for consultation.