- Status: statusclosed
- Host Authority: authned
- Why Consult?:
The purpose of the residents’ survey is to provide an opportunity to understand what communities think and offers valuable insight into how the organisation is perceived by the wider community and how they feel about their local area as a place to live.
A total of 3,269 responses were received (3,194 online responses and 75 paper copy responses received from residents’ who requested this option).
- Audience: All
- Categories: Other
- Start Date: 2023-11-01
- End Date: 2023-11-30
- Results Date: 2024-01-31
- Contact Name: Richard Shaw
- Job Title: Improvement Officer
- Department: Performance Team
- Email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Results Report 1 Label: NEDDC Residents' Survey 2023 Report
- Results Report 1 Upload: final_nov_2023_neddc_residents_survey_report_-_accessible_version.pdf
- Results Report 2 Label: NEDDC Residents' Survey 2023 Demographic Infographic Insight
- Results Report 2 Upload: residents_survey_demographic_insight_infographs.pdf
North East Derbyshire District Council ran a residents’ survey in November 2023 to help further understand resident perceptions of their local area and local services.
The results of the survey will help us improve our services and communications and provide valuable resident insight to help shape priorities for making North East Derbyshire
a great place.
Why we are Consulting
The purpose of the residents’ survey is to provide an opportunity to understand what communities think and offers valuable insight into how the organisation is perceived by the wider community and how they feel about their local area as a place to live.
A total of 3,269 responses were received (3,194 online responses and 75 paper copy responses received from residents’ who requested this option).